Matplotlib subplot share y
Matplotlib subplot share y

matplotlib subplot share y

You could do this with a million different graphics! # Beacuse I'm asking for two rows of three columns each, # I need to separate them out with even MORE parentheses # Using figsize to make the figure a little bigger, 10"x5" fig, (( ax1, ax2, ax3 ), ( ax4, ax5, a圆 )) = plt.

matplotlib subplot share y

set_title ( "Iran" ) # If you don't do tight_layout() you'll have weird overlaps plt. plot ( x = 'Year', y = 'GDP_per_capita', legend = False, ax = ax2 ) ax2. set_title ( "Bhutan" ) # Use ax2 to plot Iran df = 'Iran' ]. plot ( x = 'Year', y = 'GDP_per_capita', legend = False, ax = ax1 ) ax1. subplots ( nrows = 2, ncols = 1, sharex = True, sharey = True ) # Use ax1 to plot Bhutan df = 'Bhutan' ]. # Receive ax1 and ax2 - note that they go in parens fig, ( ax1, ax2 ) = plt. To make the x and y axes match up, you need to pass sharex and sharey to Iran peaks at around a GDP of $13k Bhutan only gets up to about $6k. If you look at the y-axis labels, you’ll see See how it looks like they’re both making a lot of money in the end?

matplotlib subplot share y

subplots ( nrows = 2, ncols = 1 ) # Use ax1 to plot Bhutan df = 'Bhutan' ]. # Be sure to put them in parenthesis fig, ( ax1, ax2 ) = plt. Note: The next one is nicer than this one because it shares x and y axes. Nrows= and ncols to ask for two rows of graphics, each row having one We can receive multiple ax elements from.

Matplotlib subplot share y